Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Contacts and a New Member

CTTA is pleased to announce that on August 27, 2009, Green in Greene Inc. of Greene County, New York, will become our first member in New York State. They will be presented with their membership plaque at the Dutchess County Fair in Rhinebeck, New York. We send them our heartiest congratulations and a warm welcome. So if you’re in Dutchess County, New York come on by and witness the ceremony first hand and visit us at our booth in the Green Initiative Tent. We’d love to see you.

In more Dutchess County news, a legislator for the county is putting forth a referendum for county membership in CTTA. We are in conversations with neighboring New York counties to follow suit.

Work on our website is proceeding quickly. We urge anyone who is a talented data modeler with SQL experience to join our team, either as a volunteer or working on a contract, as we don’t have full funding yet. Please contact Mark Frost at CTTA.

The Alliance is in discussions with other governmental groups besides Dutchess County. James J. Molinari, the state director for Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, requested and has been sent a proposal to modify the business plan for NUMMI Motors in Fremont, CA. For more details about NUMMI Motors, please see the attached article from the “San Francisco Chronicle.”

Closer to home, Ms. Kristiné Reeves, Washington Senator Patty Murray’s area director for the Kitsap Peninsula, has received a CTTA information packet including a one-page summary for the senator, a prospectus, biographies, references, and letters of endorsement. Senator Murray is reviewing the possibilities of identifying funding for us.

Local glass artist Lisa Stirrett has been awarded the contract to make our membership plaques. Ms. Stirrett’s work can also be seen in many Kitsap locations, including the Kitsap Conference Center, the Bremerton Transit Center, and Anthony’s Homeport Restaurant in Bremerton. You can check out some of her art here on her website at

At a recent meeting with Enterprise Seattle, we updated our partners on the latest CTTA developments. They will be assisting us in setting up our October fundraiser in Seattle. Look for more news in the near future.

We have finalized the deal with Ms. Belinda Howell and her company, DeCarbonize, Ltd., to create the certification framework used by CTTA to certify companies in their clean tech status. Ms. Howell has worked with the British mining industry and the fragrance industry, and is currently working with the World Bank. We look forward to using her framework.

In more local news Mark Frost and CTTA support the Port of Bremerton CEO’s analysis on the SEED project. Mark met with Mr. Bozeman before this decision was made and Mark’s input influenced the final analysis. The port has also named CTTA as one of the entities they will look to for further input as they chart their future with bringing clean tech jobs into Kitsap County.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New Far-Flung Connections and Opportunities

Lots of news in the past week! CTTA now has a web developer, who is creating our professional web page at Even more exciting, the developer is working on our SQL database, which will be free online. Users searching for green products or companies simply enter the category they want, and are directed to the matching information. If users don’t find their category, the search engine will automatically prompt them to email CTTA, and one of us will provide what’s needed.
Mark and Dianne are getting set for their big trip on CTTA’s behalf. They will begin networking with folks at the United Nations regarding trade and economic development on July 20. On July 21 they travel to Duchess County, New York, and check in with Laurie Rich, CTTA’s business development director. Accompanied by Laurie, they will meet with state and county legislators in Duchess County to spread the word, answer questions about our goals and forge alliances.
The second half of the trip takes them to California, where they’ll be discussing the benefits of membership with three corporations: Ozone International, Nummi Motors, and SunPower Corporation.
CTTA has also begun discussions with a prominent labor union locally on green-collar jobs and job development. More on that soon!
Another big step forward: we’ve chosen DeCarbonize, Limited, a corporation in the UK, to build our green tech certification framework. CEO Dr. Belinda Howell will manage the certification teams. Welcome, Belinda and DeCarbonize!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Blogger

Wow, a lot has happened since the last post here. I'm now officially a blogger here so I guess I'll jump in.

We had our Clean Tech Business tour on April 30 and it was enormously successful. We got some great press on that one too. Check out the story here.

We also got a nice write up for our official launch.

We seem to be running at Mach 3 with our hair on fire most of the time, but lots of good things are happening. There were a lot of business deals that started on the bus tour, and everyone was really engaged and excited about what these companies were doing. Little by little we're creating this shift in consciousness out of thin air.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mark Frost
Clean Technology Trade Alliance
(360) 692-7286 (360) 692-4172

New “Clean Technology Trade Alliance” To Help to Create Green Jobs by Working to Identify and Grow Cleantech Businesses The Clean Technology Trade Alliance (CTTA), a Seattle area based organization has formed to help create a successful, clean technology business cluster by aggressively promoting its members into the existing global and emerging domestic clean technology markets, which will result in an increased demand for green jobs. The organization will officially launch on Earth Day, a global day of observance of the need to protect the earth, which is celebrated on April 22.

CTTA is focusing on business development and business growth through market access and the promotion of inherent synergies between members and markets to achieve clean technology development. Performance based CTTA is set up to measure success for its members and itself, creating metrics at every level, utilizing the developing toolset to collect and share information. CTTA uses partnerships, business analysis, good relationship sales and a developing tool set of information technology, analysts and customer specialists to deliver opportunities for business and profitability to CTTA members. “It is far better, cheaper and more effective to identify clean technology companies that already exist and promote them, than to recruit or incubate them. It is time for clean technology to move from a predominantly social/public focus to a business focus, “said CTTA Board member Jim Craswell.

CTTA is working to achieve economic development and form key clean tech partnerships, like the one formed with enterpriseSeattle, ( ) the 35 year old enterprise development organization that works to grow jobs and the tax base in the greater Puget Sound region. “Modern technology has made it so easy, but it still takes a commitment. We need people like Mark Frost, CTTA’s executive director, to catalyze the process,” said Steve Gerritson, Business Development Manager of enterpriseSeattle. As part of the organization’s launch, CTTA will sponsor of The Puget Sound Clean Technology Business Tour for Washington State Legislators. The following legislators are scheduled to participate...
• US Senator Cantwell
• US Senator Murray
• US Congressman Dicks
• US Congressman Inslee
• US Congressman McDermott
• US Congressman Smith
• WA State Senator Rockefeller
• WA State Representative McCoy
• Kitsap County Commissioner Charlotte Garrido
• City of Shoreline Mayor Cindy Ryu
• City of Shoreline Economic Development Manager Mark Mayuga

For more information about Clean Technology Trade Alliance, including information about the organization’s Earth Day launch, membership information, or partnership development, call (866) 685-6417, (360) 692-7286 or visit the website at

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

CTTA Presentation

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: